The Polysemy of the verbs pegar, apegar and empegar in Catalan: A synchronic manifestation of semantic change

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The Polysemy of the verbs pegar, apegar and empegar in Catalan: A synchronic manifestation of semantic change

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Ramos Alfajarín, Joan-Rafael 2016-01-11T08:27:54Z 2016-01-11T08:27:54Z 2015
dc.identifier.citation Ramos Alfajarín, Joan-Rafael 2015 The Polysemy of the verbs pegar, apegar and empegar in Catalan: A synchronic manifestation of semantic change Catalan Journal of Linguistics 14 137 157
dc.description.abstract In this paper we study the polysemy that the verbs pegar ('hit/stick'), apegar ('stick') and empegar ('stick') possess today in the Catalan language. First of all, we perform a thorough description of the meanings that each of these verbs have acquired not only in the standard but also in the colloquial language. Each of the meanings has been differentiated from the others by analysing the most prominent dictionaries currently available and a corpus of written texts. Additionally, a number of surveys on the spoken language have also been taken into account. Our research has shown that in the different Catalan dialects they do not always have the same meanings or the same verb forms. To be able to interpret how this polysemy has come about, we have taken cognitive linguistics as our theoretical framework. We have been able to show that the notion of image schema of path, combined with prototypicality effects and with the Invited Inference Theory of Semantic Change, in which the mechanism of metonymy plays a fundamental role, can provide a satisfactory explanation for the semasiological complexity of the verbs under study
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Catalan Journal of Linguistics, 2015, vol. 14, p. 137-157
dc.subject Català Termes i locucions
dc.title The Polysemy of the verbs pegar, apegar and empegar in Catalan: A synchronic manifestation of semantic change
dc.type journal article es_ES 2016-01-11T08:27:54Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 108879
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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