Meaning in life among adolescents: Factorial invariance of the Purpose in Life Test and buffering effect on the relationship between emotional dysregulation and hopelessness

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Meaning in life among adolescents: Factorial invariance of the Purpose in Life Test and buffering effect on the relationship between emotional dysregulation and hopelessness

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element García Alandete, Juaquín Gallego Hernández de Tejada, Blanca Pérez Rodríguez, Sandra Marco Salvador, José Heliodoro 2020-04-17T16:55:37Z 2020-04-17T16:55:37Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation García Alandete, Juaquín Gallego Hernández de Tejada, Blanca Pérez Rodríguez, Sandra Marco Salvador, José Heliodoro 2019 Meaning in life among adolescents: Factorial invariance of the Purpose in Life Test and buffering effect on the relationship between emotional dysregulation and hopelessness Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: an international journal of theory and practice 26 1 24 34
dc.description.abstract Objective: The purpose of the present study was threefold: first, to analyse the psychometric properties of a 10‐item Spanish version of the Purpose in Life Test, which assesses meaning in life (MiL), in a sample of community adolescents; second, to analyse the differences between the age and gender groups; and third, to analyse whether MiL buffers the relationship between emotional dysregulation and hopelessness. Method: Participants were 1,599 adolescents from 12 to 19 years old, M = 15.69, SD = 2.14. The Purpose in Life Test‐10 Items, the Beck Hopelessness Scale, and the Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale were used. Results: A nine‐item version showed good fit, psychometric properties (internal consistency, construct, and concurrent validity), and factorial invariance across gender and age (12-15 years/16-19 years). Difference in MiL between boys and girls was not significant, whereas between age groups was significant. MiL had a strong buffering effect on the relationship between emotional dysregulation and hopelessness. Discussion: It is desirable to promote the sense of MiL in adolescents. MiL plays a significant and strong mediator role in the relationship between emotional dysregulation and hopelessness, reinforcing the positive role of MiL in mental health and as a resource for facing adversity.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: an international journal of theory and practice, 2019, vol. 26, num. 1, p. 24-34
dc.subject Adolescents Psicologia
dc.subject Emocions
dc.subject Vida
dc.subject Adolescents Psicologia
dc.title Meaning in life among adolescents: Factorial invariance of the Purpose in Life Test and buffering effect on the relationship between emotional dysregulation and hopelessness
dc.type journal article es_ES 2020-04-17T16:55:37Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1002/cpp.2327
dc.identifier.idgrec 132523
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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