The challenge for economics from the new 'digital' economy: sharing and collaborative economy through the 'platforms neocapitalism' of the 21st century

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The challenge for economics from the new 'digital' economy: sharing and collaborative economy through the 'platforms neocapitalism' of the 21st century

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Hernandez-Carrion, J.R. 2021-11-03T12:54:40Z 2021-11-03T12:54:40Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Hernandez-Carrion, J.R. 2021 The challenge for economics from the new 'digital' economy: sharing and collaborative economy through the 'platforms neocapitalism' of the 21st century DIEM: Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting 6 1 156 160
dc.description.abstract The so-called collaborative or sharing economy constitutes a multifaceted concept of increasing relevance and evolving in definition that will constitute the focus of our study. This article is presented methodologically as a macro-synthesis of the main trends of the economy, from its local and global spheres, in the convergence that can be glimpsed from the new phenomenon that we are dealing with of neo-capitalism based essentially on digital platforms and media. Some have already advanced it as turbo-capitalism or capitalism 3.0, in increasing expansion from the analysis of massive data from digital platforms. The resulting greater efficiency of decentralization and heterogeneity can be exploited by communities. We claim the need to support the constitution of public support that can constitute the response of the government to the multiple new challenges posed by what we are calling as 'platform neocapitalism', which dilutes countries in a planetary and accelerated scale, unimaginable at the beginning of the present 21st century.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof DIEM: Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting, 2021, vol. 6, num. 1, p. 156-160
dc.subject Economia
dc.title The challenge for economics from the new 'digital' economy: sharing and collaborative economy through the 'platforms neocapitalism' of the 21st century
dc.type journal article es_ES 2021-11-03T12:54:40Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.17818/DIEM/2021/1.16
dc.identifier.idgrec 148592
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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