Modulation of the electronic properties of GaN films by surface acoustic waves

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Modulation of the electronic properties of GaN films by surface acoustic waves

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Camacho, J.; Santos, P.V.; Alsina, F.; Ramsteiner, M.; Ploog, K. H.; Cantarero Sáez, Andrés; Obloh, H.; Wagner, J.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

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We report on the interaction between photogenerated electron-hole pairs and surface acoustic waves (SAW) in GaN films grown on sapphire substrates. The spatial separation of photogenerated carriers by the piezoelectric field of the SAW is evidenced by the quenching of the photoluminescence (PL) intensity. The quenching levels in GaN are significantly smaller than those measured in GaAs under similar conditions. The latter is attributed to the lower exciton ionization efficiency and carrier separation probabilities mediated by the piezoelectric effect. The PL spectra also evidence energy shifts and broadenings of the electronic transitions, which are attributed to the band gap modulation by the SAW strain field.
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