HADES experiment: di-lepton spectroscopy in p + p (2.2 GeV) and C+C (1 and 2 A GeV) collisions

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HADES experiment: di-lepton spectroscopy in p + p (2.2 GeV) and C+C (1 and 2 A GeV) collisions

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Agodi, C.; Álvarez Pol, H.; Balanda, A.; Bellia, G.; Belver, D.; Cabanelas, P.; Spataro, S.; Garzón, Juan Antonio; Christ, T.; Simon, R.; Pinhao, J.; González Díaz, Diego; Ivashkin, A.; Jaskula, M.; Jurkovic, M.; Kajetanowicz, M.; Kämpfer, B.; Kanaki, K.; Karavicheva, T.; Montes, N.; Kirschner, D.; Lang, S.; Kolb, B.; Pérez, Tiago; Maiolino, C.; Marín, J.; Naumann, L.; Novotny, J.; Pospísil, V.; Pullia, A.; Rabin, N.; Schön, W.; Boiano, C.; Ramstein, B.; Rosier, P.; Rustamov, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Sailer, B.; Salabura, P.; Schroeder, C.; Spruck, B.; Schwab, E.; Senger, P.; Sturm, C.; Sudol, M.; Tiflov, V.; Tlusty, P.; Toia, A.; Wüstenfeld, J.; Chernenko, S.; Traxler, M.; Tsertos, H.; Bortolotti, A.; Turzo, I.; Wagner, V.; Díaz Medina, José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006


The HADES (High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer) is a tool designed for lepton pair (e+e−) spectroscopy in pion, proton and heavy ion induced reactions in the 1–2AGeV energy range. One of the goals of the HADES experiment is to study in-medium modifications of hadron properties like effective masses, decay widths, electromagnetic form factors etc. Such effects can be probed with vector mesons ( ρ,ω,ɸ ) decaying into e+e− channel. The identification of vector mesons by means of a HADES spectrometer is based on invariant mass reconstruction of e+e− pairs. The combined information from all spectrometer sub-detectors is used to reconstruct the di-lepton signal. The recent results from 2.2GeV p + p, 1AGeV and 2AGeV C+C experiments are presented.
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