Light-induced transmission nonlinearities in gallium selenide

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Light-induced transmission nonlinearities in gallium selenide

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Ferrer Roca, Chantal; Bouvier, Jaqueline; Segura García del Río, Alfredo; Andrés, Miguel V.; Muñoz Sanjosé, Vicente
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1999

The intensity of a He–Ne laser (633 nm, 5 mW) transmitted by different GaSe samples is observed to change in correlation with a Nd-yttrium–aluminum–garnet laser pulse (532 nm, 7.8 ns, 3 mJ) which excites them. Such time response has been attributed to a nonlinear optical effect, i.e., a decrease in the refractive index due to the exciton screening by the photogenerated carriers. A calculation of the absorption coefficient and refractive index at different carrier concentrations has led to a reconstruction of transmittance transients which fully agree with the experimental data at different incident intensities and temperatures.
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