Polarizability and optical rotation calculated from the approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles CC2 linear response theory using Cholesky decompositions

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Polarizability and optical rotation calculated from the approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles CC2 linear response theory using Cholesky decompositions

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Pedersen, Bondo Thomas; Sánchez de Merás, Alfredo; Koch, Henrik
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

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A new implementation of the approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles CC2 linear response model using Cholesky decomposition of the two-electron integrals is presented. Significantly reducing storage demands and computational effort without sacrificing accuracy compared to the conventional model, the algorithm is well suited for large-scale applications. Extensive basis set convergence studies are presented for the static and frequency-dependent electric dipole polarizability of benzene and C60, and for the optical rotation of CNOFH2 and (−)-trans-cyclooctene (TCO). The origin-dependence of the optical rotation is calculated and shown to persist for CC2 even at basis set convergence.
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