Variability and polarization in the inner jet of 3C 395
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Lara, L.; Alberdi, A.; Marcaide Osoro, Juan María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2001
We present new results on the parsec-scale jet of the quasar 3C 395, derived from VLBI polarizationsensitive observations made in 1995.91 and 1998.50 at 8.4, 15.4 and 22.2 GHz. The observations show a complex one-sided jet extending up to 20 mas, with a projected magnetic field essentially aligned with the radio jet. The emission is strongly dominated, in total intensity and polarization, by the core and the inner jet region (of ~ 3 mas length). We have studied the details of this dominant region finding clear structural variations during this ~ 2.5 year period, in contrast with the apparent quietness of the jet structure inferred from lower resolution VLBI observations. We observe the ejection of a new component from the core and variations in the degree of polarization of the inner jet components. We estimate a high Faraday Rotation Measure close to the core, with a strong decrease along the inner jet.
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