βDelayed γRay spectroscopy of heavy neutron rich nuclei “south” of lead

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βDelayed γRay spectroscopy of heavy neutron rich nuclei “south” of lead

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Agramunt Ros, Jorge; Algora, Alejandro; Álvarez Pol, H.; Benzoni, G.; Boutachkov, P.; Bruce, A. M.; Cáceres, Lucía; Denis Bacelar, A. M.; Doornenbal, P.; Dragosavac, C.; Farrelly, G.; Fujita, Y.; Garnsworthy, A. B.; Gelletly, W.; Gerl, J.; Hoischen, R.; Kojouharov, I.; Kurz, N.; Lalkovski, S.; Pérez Loureiro, D.; Mihai, C.; Molina Palacios, Francisco Gabriel; Mücher, D.; Rubio Barroso, Berta; Schaffner, H.; Tamii, A.; Tashenov, S.; Valiente Dobón, J. J.; Verma, S.; Walker, P. M.; Wollersheim, H. J.; Woods, P. J.; Estévez Aguado, María Esther
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009


Relativistic projectile fragmentation of a 208Pb primary beam has been used to produce neutron-rich nuclei with proton-holes relative to the Z = 82 shell closure, i.e., “south” of Pb. βDelayed γRay spectroscopy allows to investigate the structural properties of such nuclei with A ~ 195 → 205. The current work presents transitions de-exciting excited states in 204Au, which are the first spectroscopic information on this N = 125 isotone.
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