VLBI detection of the HST-1 feature in the M 87 jet at 2 cm

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VLBI detection of the HST-1 feature in the M 87 jet at 2 cm

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Ros Ibarra, Eduardo Chang, C. S. Kovalev, Yuri Y. Lister, Matthiew L. 2010-06-29T10:21:05Z 2010-06-29T10:21:05Z 2010
dc.identifier.citation Chang, C. S., Ros, E., Kovalev, Y. Y. and Lister, M. L. (2010): VLBI detection of the HST-1 feature in the M 87 jet at 2 cm, Astronomy and Astrophysics, núm. 515, vol. 6 en
dc.description.abstract Context. A bright feature 80 pc away from the core in the powerful jet of M 87 shows highly unusual properties. Earlier radio, optical, and X-ray observations have shown that this feature, labeled HST-1, is superluminal, and is possibly connected with the TeV flare detected by HESS in 2005. It has been claimed that this feature might have a blazar nature because of these properties. Aims. To examine whether HST-1 has a blazar-like nature, we analyzed λ2 cm VLBA archival data from dedicated full-track obser- vations and the 2 cm survey/MOJAVE VLBI monitoring programs performed between 2000 and 2009. Methods. We studied the subparsec scale structure of M 87 jet by using wide-field imaging techniques, after checking different weight- ing of the interferometric visibilities as a function of distance. The HST-1 region was imaged at milliarcsecond resolution. Results. We present the first 2 cm VLBI detection of HST-1 in observations performed between early 2003 and early 2007, and ana- lyze its evolution with time. Using the detections of HST-1, we find that the projected apparent speed is 0.61 ± 0.31c. A comparison of the VLA and VLBA flux densities of this feature indicates that it is mostly resolved on milliarcsecond scales. This feature is optically thin (α ∼ −0.8 for S ∝ ν+α) between λ2 cm and λ20 cm. Conclusions. We do not find evidence that HST-1 has a blazar nature. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Radio continuum : galaxies; Techniques : high angular resolution; Techniques : interferometric; Galaxies : active; Galaxies : jets en
dc.title VLBI detection of the HST-1 feature in the M 87 jet at 2 cm en
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::ASTRONOMÍA Y ASTROFÍSICA::Cosmología y cosmogonia::Galaxias en
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::ASTRONOMÍA Y ASTROFÍSICA::Otras especialidades astronómicas en
dc.identifier.doi 10.1051/0004-6361/200913915 en
dc.identifier.idgrec 055571 en
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES
dc.identifier.url en

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