A study of the B and Be star population in the field of the LMC open cluster NGC 2004 with VLT-FLAMES

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A study of the B and Be star population in the field of the LMC open cluster NGC 2004 with VLT-FLAMES

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Martayan, C.; Hubert, A.M.; Floquet, M.; Fabregat Llueca, Juan; Frémat, Y.; Neiner, C.; Stee, P.; Zorec, J.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006


Observations of hot stars belonging to the young cluster LMC-NGC 2004 and its surrounding region have been obtained with the VLT-GIRAFFE facilities in MEDUSA mode. 25 Be stars were discovered; the proportion of Be stars compared to B-type stars is found to be of the same order in the LMC and in the Galaxy fields. 23 hot stars were discovered as spectroscopic binaries (SB1 and SB2), 5 of these are found to be eclipsing systems from the MACHO database, with periods of a few days. About 75% of the spectra in our sample are polluted by hydrogen (H$\alpha $ and H$\gamma$), [S II] and [N II] nebular lines. These lines are typical of H II regions. They could be associated with patchy nebulosities with a bi-modal distribution in radial velocity, with higher values (+335 km s-1) preferentially seen inside the southern part of the known bubble LMC4 observed in H I at 21 cm.
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