Current density maps, magnetizability, and nuclear magnetic shielding tensors of bis-heteropentalenes. II. Furo-furan Isomers

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Current density maps, magnetizability, and nuclear magnetic shielding tensors of bis-heteropentalenes. II. Furo-furan Isomers

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García Cuesta, Inmaculada; Soriano Jartín, R.; Sánchez de Merás, Alfredo; Lazzeretti, P.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

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Magnetic susceptibility and nuclear magnetic shielding at the nuclei of bis-heteropentalenes formed by two furan units ([2,3-b], [3,2-b], [3,4-b], and [3,4-c] isomers) have been computed by several approximated techniques and a large Gaussian basis set to achieve near Hartree–Fock estimates. Ab initio models of the ring currents induced by a magnetic field normal to the molecular plane were obtained for the three isomeric systems of higher symmetry, showing that the π electrons give rise to intense diamagnetic circulation. The π currents are responsible for enhanced magnetic anisotropy and strong out-of-plane proton deshielding. The theoretical findings are used to build up a “diatropicity matrix” for two fused five-membered heterocyclic systems.
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