Ab initio study on the low-lying excited states of retinal

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Ab initio study on the low-lying excited states of retinal

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Merchán Bonete, Manuela González Luque, Remedios 2010-07-28T11:51:51Z 2010-07-28T11:51:51Z 1997
dc.identifier.citation MERCHÁN, Manuela ; GONZÁLEZ LUQUE, Remedios. Ab initio study on the low-lying excited states of retinal. En: Journal of Chemical Physics, 1997, vol. 106, no. 3 en
dc.description.abstract Ab initio results for the electronic spectrum of all-trans-retinal and its truncated model 3-methyl-all-trans (10-s-cis)-2,4,6,8,10-undecapentaen-1-al are presented. The study includes geometry determination of the ground state. Vertical excitation energies have been computed using multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory through the CASPT2 formalism. The lowest singlet excited state in gas phase is predicted to be of nπ∗ character. The lowest triplet state corresponds, however, to a ππ∗ state. The most intense feature of the spectrum is due to the strongly dipole-allowed ππ∗ transition, in accordance with the observed maximum in the one-photon spectra. The vertical excitation energies of the Bu- and Ag-like states are found close, the latter ≈ 1 eV higher than the maximum in the two-photon spectra. Solvent effects and nonvertical nature of the observed maximum in the two-photon spectra are invoked in rationalizing the deviation with respect to the best present estimate for the Ag-like state. In addition, qualitative aspects of the one-bond photoisomerization about the C11 = C12 double bond of retinal are considered. The overall isomerization picture from 11-cis into all-trans-retinal, as taking place mainly along the triplet manifold, agrees with experimental evidence. en_US
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Organic compounds ; Excited states ; Ab initio calculations ; Perturbation theory ; Triplet state ; Solvent effects ; Isomerisation ; Ground states ; Two-photon spectra ; Photochemistry en
dc.title Ab initio study on the low-lying excited states of retinal en
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::FÍSICA::Química física en
dc.identifier.doi 10.1063/1.473207 en
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES
dc.identifier.url en

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