Vibronic structure in triatomic molecules : The hydrocarbon flame bands of the formyl radical (HCO). A theoretical study

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Vibronic structure in triatomic molecules : The hydrocarbon flame bands of the formyl radical (HCO). A theoretical study

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Serrano Andrés, Luis; Forsberg, Niclas; Malmqvist, Per-Ake
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1998

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A theoretical study of the vibrational structure of the math 2A′ ground and math 2A′ excited states of the formyl radical, HCO, and its deuterated form, DCO, has been performed. The potential energy surfaces have been computed by means of a multiconfigurational perturbative method, CASPT2. The computed geometries and the harmonic and anharmonic frequencies are successfully compared to the available experimental information. The vibrational intensities of the transition math 2A′↔math 2A′ have been computed both for absorption and emission. The results lead to accurate determinations of several structural parameters and some reassignments of the vibrational transitions of the so-called hydrocarbon flame bands of the formyl radical.
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