Gravitational radiation from the magnetic field of a strongly magnetized star

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Gravitational radiation from the magnetic field of a strongly magnetized star

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Lapiedra Civera, Ramón; Miralles Torres, Juan Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003


We consider the electromagnetic (e.m.) field of a compact strongly magnetized star. The star is idealized as a perfect conducting sphere, rigidly rotating in a vacuum, with a magnetic moment not aligned with its rotation axis. Then we use the exterior e.m. solution, obtained by Deutsch (1955) in his classic paper, to calculate the gravitational waves emitted by the e.m. field when its wavelength is much longer than the radius of the star. In some astrophysical situations, this gravitational radiation can overcome the quadrupole one emitted by the matter of the star, and, for some magnetars, would be detectable in the near future, once the present detectors, planned or under construction, become operative.
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