Ligophorus pilengas n. sp. (monogenea: ancyrocephalidae) from the introduced so-iuy mullet, mugil soiuy (teleostei: mugilidae), in the sea of Azov and the Black sea

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Ligophorus pilengas n. sp. (monogenea: ancyrocephalidae) from the introduced so-iuy mullet, mugil soiuy (teleostei: mugilidae), in the sea of Azov and the Black sea

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Sarabeev, Volodimir Leonidovich; Balbuena, Juan Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

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The monogenean Ligophorus chabaudi was originally described on the gills of the flathead mullet, Mugil cephalus, and was subsequently reported on the So-iuy mullet, Mugil soiuy. However, the morphology of sclerotized parts and multivariate statistical analyses suggest that the form from the So-iuy mullet represents a new species. This study provides a description of the new species Ligophorus pilengas n. sp. and provides additional morphological data concerning the morphology of the ventral bar that might be useful for the diagnosis of Ligophorus. Ligophorus pilengas n. sp. is the second species of Ligophorus reported on the So-iuy mullet. Zoogeographical records indicate that L. pilengas n. sp. was probably introduced to the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov from the western Pacific Ocean together with its host.
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