Theoretical study of the effect of substituent and backbone conformation on the electronic properties of symmetrically substituted poly(di‐n‐alkylsilanes)

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Theoretical study of the effect of substituent and backbone conformation on the electronic properties of symmetrically substituted poly(di‐n‐alkylsilanes)

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Crespo Crespo, Raúl Piqueras, Mari Carmen Tomás Vert, Francisco 2011-08-18T12:24:09Z 2011-08-18T12:24:09Z 1994
dc.identifier.citation CRESPO, Raúl ; PIQUERAS, Mari Carmen ; TOMÁS, Francisco. Theoretical study of the effect of substituent and backbone conformation on the electronic properties of symmetrically substituted poly(di‐n‐alkylsilanes). En: Journal of Chemical Physics, 1994, vol. 100, no. 9 en
dc.description.abstract We present the results of ab initio 3‐21G∗ geometry optimizations and valence effective Hamiltonian (VEH) band structure calculations aimed at determining the evolution of the geometric and electronic (ionization potential, electron affinities, and band gaps) properties of all‐trans poly(dimethylsilane), poly(diethylsilane), poly(di‐n‐propylsilane), and poly(di‐n‐butylsilane) when increasing the size of the alkyl group. In the latter polymer, we have also studied the 7/3 conformation, in order to analyze the effect of the backbone conformation on the geometric and electronic structure. The VEH ionization potentials of all‐trans poly(di‐n‐alkylsilanes) are almost equal, and as experimental photoemission data show, only slight differences are appreciated. The band gap decreases in going from poly(di‐n‐butylsilane) to poly(di‐n‐propylsilane) and to poly(diethylsilane), and increases when passing to poly(dimethylsilane), which coincides with experimental evidences on poly(di‐n‐alkylsilanes). The change from all‐trans to 7/3 conformation of poly(di‐n‐butylsilane) implies an increase of both, ionization potential and band gap, in perfect agreement with experimental photoemission and absorption data. The applicability of VEH to deal with poly(di‐n‐alkylsilanes) is discussed. en_US
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Alkyl Compounds ; Silanes ; Organic Polymers ; Conformational Changes ; Ab Initio Calculations ; Geometry ; Optimization ; Band Structure ; Affinity ; Ionization Potential ; Energy Gap ; Methyl Compounds ; Ethyl Compounds ; Propyl Compounds en
dc.title Theoretical study of the effect of substituent and backbone conformation on the electronic properties of symmetrically substituted poly(di‐n‐alkylsilanes) en
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::FÍSICA::Química física en
dc.identifier.doi 10.1063/1.467011 en
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES
dc.identifier.url en

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