Excited-state absorption in erbium-doped silica fiber with simultaneous excitation at 977 and 1531 nm

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Excited-state absorption in erbium-doped silica fiber with simultaneous excitation at 977 and 1531 nm

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Barmenkov, Yuri O.; Kir’yanov, A. V.; Guzmán Chávez, A. D.; Cruz Muñoz, José Luis; Andrés, Miguel V.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

We report a study of the excited-state absorption (ESA) in erbium-doped silica fiber (EDF) pumped at 977 nm, when the fiber is simultaneously excited by signal radiation at 1531 nm. We show, both experimentally and theoretically, that ESA efficiency at 977 nm gets strongly enhanced only in the presence of signal power. Experimentally, this conclusion is supported through the detection of upconversion emission, a “fingerprint” of the ESA process, and through the measurements of the EDF nonlinear transmission coefficient for the pump wavelength, which is sensitive to the ESA value. It is shown that the experimental data are precisely modeled with an advanced five-level Er3+ model developed for the EDF.
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