Synchronization of coupled single-electron circuits based on nanoparticles and tunneling junctions

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Synchronization of coupled single-electron circuits based on nanoparticles and tunneling junctions

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Cervera Montesinos, Javier; Manzanares Andreu, José Antonio; Mafé, Salvador
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

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We explore theoretically the synchronization properties of a device composed of coupled single-electron circuits whose building blocks are nanoparticles interconnected with tunneling junctions. Elementary nanoscillators can be achieved by a single-electron tunneling cell where the relaxation oscillation is induced by the tunneling. We develop a model to describe the synchronization of the nanoscillators and present sample calculations to demonstrate that the idea is feasible and could readily find applications. Instead of considering a particular system, we analyze the general properties of the device making use of an ideal model that emphasizes the essential characteristics of the concept. We define an order parameter for the system as a whole and demonstrate phase synchronization for sufficiently high values of the coupling resistance.
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