The difficulties of adapting university teaching for students with disabilities: an analysis focussed on inclusive guidance

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The difficulties of adapting university teaching for students with disabilities: an analysis focussed on inclusive guidance

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Álvarez Pérez, Pedro; Alegre de la Rosa, Olga María; López Aguilar, David
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

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The need for specific attention for the personal, social, academic and professional development of students with disabilities is a challenge that the university is committed to. Although significant progress has been made, promoted by an inclusive educational approach, there are still many difficulties faced by students to intergrate into university education. To advance a deeper understanding of the issues affecting these students, research has been conducted with a sample of 113 students with disabilities from different centers in the University of La Laguna (Spain). The results have highlighted, the lack of guidance and information regarding access to university courses, the need to implement support measures to assist the learning process and also the urgency for improving institutional policies favouring the disabled..
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