Noves prestacions al Serveis Socials: per a qui? per a què? La Llei Valenciana de Protecció a la Maternitat

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Noves prestacions al Serveis Socials: per a qui? per a què? La Llei Valenciana de Protecció a la Maternitat

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Uceda i Maza, Francesc Xavier; García Muñoz, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

The Generalitat Valenciana (Valencia Autonomous Community Authority) approved the maternity protection law one year ago. In this article, we talk about this law, its development and its connection with Valencian social services. We also make a point about the situation of social services faced with longstanding and new social needs to guarantee protection for people and groups in a vulnerability and/ or social exclusion situation. We conclude with the affirmation that this law does not propose any new policy in favour of maternity or anything new for the weak structure of social services.
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