Beam size and very low emittance with a Multi-OTR system in ATF2

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Beam size and very low emittance with a Multi-OTR system in ATF2

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Alabau Gonzalvo, Javier
Resta López, Javier (dir.);
Faus Golfe, Ángeles (dir.)
Departament de Física Atòmica, Molecular i Nuclear
Aquest document és un/a tesi, creat/da en: 2013
ATF is a Damping Ring built to create very low emittances and ATF2 is a Beam Delivery System and a Final Focus prototype for a future e+ e− Linear Collider. In the frame of these experiments 4 OTR monitors have been installed in the Extraction line from ATF in order to perform emittance reconstruction with high statistics and to do fast coupling correction for the beam tuning. The single OTR design, the hardware and the software to control the 4 devices are presented, as well as the algorithms to measure the beam size, reconstruct the emittance and correct the coupling. The performance of the device is analyzed and systematic measurements are shown. The Multi-OTR system is validated as a reliable and fast emittance reconstruction device with future applications.
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