Pobreza en España: jóvenes y mujeres en los espacios sociales de la vulnerabilidad

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Pobreza en España: jóvenes y mujeres en los espacios sociales de la vulnerabilidad

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Belzunegui Eraso, Angel Gabriel es Brunet Icart, Ignasi es Matu, R. Oana es Pastor Gosalbez, María Inmaculada es 2013-06-13T11:26:31Z 2013-06-13T11:26:31Z 2011 es
dc.identifier.citation Belzunegui Eraso, Angel Gabriel ; Brunet Icart, Ignasi ; Matu, R. Oana ; Pastor Gosalbez, María Inmaculada. Pobreza en España: jóvenes y mujeres en los espacios sociales de la vulnerabilidad. En: Quaderns de Ciències Socials, 2011, No. 20: 5-28 es
dc.description.abstract This number of Quaderns presents the results of two research projects of the program I+D+i financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education for the period 2008 to 2011. The first project is called 'New poverty and social exclusion among youth in Spain' and was supervised by Ph. D. Ignasi Brunet. The second project was developed under the name of 'Poverty, social exclusion and gender inequality in Spain' and was supervised by Ph. D. Ángel Belzunegui. Both projects counted with a group formed by researchers from six Spanish universities from different regions where field work was carried out: Andalucía, Aragón, Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia y País Vasco. The first project has analyzed poverty and youth exclusion in Spain, focusing on the logic that lays behind the social processes of impoverishment and exclusion that effect young people. The second project intended to analyze from a gender perspective the logic of impoverishment processes that affect women, as well as to analyze how women interpret and define poverty. en_US
dc.subject Juventud, Género, Pobreza, Exclusión Social, Youth, Gender, Poverty, Social Exclusion, Artículo es
dc.subject Economía aplicada es
dc.subject Economía y empresa es
dc.subject Dcho social es
dc.subject Ciencias jurídicas es
dc.subject Generalidades es
dc.subject Ciencias sociales es
dc.subject Grupo C es
dc.title Pobreza en España: jóvenes y mujeres en los espacios sociales de la vulnerabilidad es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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