La dimensión trágica del Azar en los arranques narrativos de Lang en EE.UU

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La dimensión trágica del Azar en los arranques narrativos de Lang en EE.UU

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Sánchez-Biosca, Vicente
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1997

This text analyzes the beginnings of the narratives used in Fritt Lang's films within the context of the classic Hollywood sty1e. A detailed study of the various corrections made by Lang in the phases between scriptwriting and production and editing reveals his unflagging effort to introduce sudden changes which are inconsistent with causality, suggesting an emerging element of coincidence, devised to shock viewer sensibilities without offering the insight required to follow the story line. Lang's conception is revealed as a form of tragedy. The article makes a specific case study of Man Hunt, produced in 1941 .
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