XIMET – The Trans-University Educational Materials Exchange-Network with a Focus on Genetics

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XIMET – The Trans-University Educational Materials Exchange-Network with a Focus on Genetics

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Palero Pastor, Ferran; Sánchez-Escribano, Javier; Martínez-Rodríguez, Paloma; Mestres, Francesc; Pascual, Marta; Balanyà, Joan; Pascual-Seva, Nuria; Pascual, Lluís
XiMET (Xarxa d'intercanvi de Materials Educatius Transuniversitària) es una red de innovación educativa y calidad docente formada por profesorado perteneciente a las Universidades de Valencia (UVEG), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) y la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Dicha red se ha establecido para la difusión de las acciones realizadas por el profesorado del departamento de Genética de la UVEG dentro de los grupos GEMEG y BIOPAC, y además facilitar la activación de alianzas de innovación interuniversitaria. Una tarea fundamental de XiMET es la elaboración de materiales docentes y objetos de aprendizaje multimedia, diseñados como apoyo para la docencia.XiMET (Xarxa d'intercanvi de Materials Educatius Transuniversitària) is a network of university teachers working on different aspects of Evolutionary Biology, and which has been established with the aim of promoting the spread of educational innovation partnerships within Spain. The Network is formed by teaching staff belonging to the University of Valencia (UVEG), Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), University of Barcelona (UB) and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). Developing activities (e.g. joint meetings) with the support of faculty from multiple universities is an important and necessary step to optimize the efforts of teachers from different centers, but also a key factor in assessing the different skills and concepts that the student receives in each University. Therefore, a fundamental task of XiMET is the creation of a collection of teaching materials and multimedia learning objects (MLOs) designed as a support for teaching. These MLOs will facilitate the work in the classroom for the different modules offered in our universities and will further complement the work carried out within the theory lectures.
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