Estratègies periodístiques per a la difusió de la ciència: de l'article científic al divulgatiu

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Estratègies periodístiques per a la difusió de la ciència: de l'article científic al divulgatiu

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Domínguez, Martí; Mateu, Anna
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Nowadays, the popularisation of science is just another side of many scientists' work that think that the communication of their findings to society is necessary. However, some scientists, used to the schematic rigidity of the scientific research paper, seem to have trouble writing in a more accessible language. In this paper, some of the most common mistakes made by researchers when writing popular science texts are shown. The best method to follow when it comes to prepare rigorous as well as attractive and amusing texts for the general public is also shown.
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