Comorbilidad entre trastornos de conducta y depresión mayor en la adolescencia: prevalencia, teorías explicativas y estatus nosológico

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Comorbilidad entre trastornos de conducta y depresión mayor en la adolescencia: prevalencia, teorías explicativas y estatus nosológico

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Frías, Álvaro; Carrasco Tornero, Ángel; Fernández, MªJosé; García Blanco, Ana Cristina; García, Beatriz
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009


This theoretical study examines the main findings and researches regarding the comorbidity between conduct disorder and major depression in adolescence. On the one hand, it is argued that high prevalence of comorbidity imply common risk factors (biological, cognitive- emotional and socio-cultural) and a causal relationship between these mental illness, usually conduct disorder preceding major depression. On the other hand, independent nosological status of this comorbidity» is advocated on the basis of several external criteria (e.g. response to treatment, course into adulthood and psychopathological profile), which distinguish this mixed clinical entity from conduct disorder and major depression, especially the latter category. These findings are discussed concerning the classification of «depressive conduct disorder» within current diagnosis reference manuals.
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