Guide of 'best practices' for the collection, management and analysis of the road accident data in urban zones

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Guide of 'best practices' for the collection, management and analysis of the road accident data in urban zones

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element López-de-Cózar, Elena Sanmartín, Jaime Chisvert Perales, Mauricio Javier 2013-11-11T13:41:53Z 2013-11-11T13:41:53Z 2007
dc.identifier.citation Lopez-de-Cozar, E.; Sanmartin, J.; Chisvert, M. (2007). Guide of 'best practices' for the collection, management and analysis of the road accident data in urban zones. Project: SAU - Urban Accident Analysis Systems. (Dirs.: Sanmartín, J. & Chisvert, M.). Valencia: INTRAS linea editorial. es_ES
dc.description.abstract The reduction of the number of road accident fatalities by 50 %, by the year 2010, suggested by the EU, involves the active contribution of all the agents in charge of the road safety in Europe. Even though the accidents that happened in urban areas have a relative smaller severity, it is the place where, for the moment, in absolute terms, the major number of accidents take place in the EU countries, as well as generating serious consequences on the more vulnerable users (pedestrians, cyclists, children, the elderly…). The current action has as main objective the creation, validation, discussion and spreading, at European level, of the ‘best practices’ for the collection, processing and analysis of traffic accident (TA) data in urban areas. The foreseen final result fundamentally consists in the disposal of a European guide of advices or of “best practices” in order to implement / improve the traffic accident collection, analysis and monitoring systems in urban areas. For that, a compilation of the current “best practices” and on the exchange of experiences between municipalities from several EU countries will be counted on, added to the practical pilot experience that will be carried out as part of this project in several Spanish cities. With the spreading of this guide, the purpose is to contribute to the development of local tools in order to help giving answers and solutions, with more reliable and accurate knowledge, to the problematic of the accident rate in each municipality. This guide tries to serve as a technical working document to set up measures directed to the improvement of the collection procedures, data quality, and achievement and dissemination of the statistical results. For that purpose, all the ideas and recommendations gathered in the SAU project framework, as well as the ones set in the European Statistics Code of D1.1 [7] Practice developed by the Commission of the European Communities (COM(2005) 217 final), have been compiled. The document is structured in two parts: - On the one hand, a summary of the different phases of the project and the results gathered in the Deliverables I, II and III is presented. - On the other hand, organized in several sections, there is a compilation of best practices and indicators to evaluate the procedures of the road accident data collection, storage, management and analysis. We only want to point out that many of the recommendations might affect several of the considered sections and that the differentiation obeys practical aims to consult and organize the information. es_ES
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.subject road safety es_ES
dc.subject traffic accident es_ES
dc.subject fatality statistics es_ES
dc.title Guide of 'best practices' for the collection, management and analysis of the road accident data in urban zones es_ES
dc.type report es_ES
dc.identifier.idgrec 022144 es_ES

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