Toroidal magnetized iron neutrino detector for a neutrino factory

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Toroidal magnetized iron neutrino detector for a neutrino factory

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Bross, Alan; Wands, R.; Bayes, R.; Laing, Andrew; Soler, F. J. P.; Cervera Villanueva, Anselmo; Ghosh, T.; Gómez Cadenas, Juan José; Hernández Gamazo, Pilar; Martín-Albo Simón, Justo; Burguet Castell, Jordi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.16.081002

A neutrino factory has unparalleled physics reach for the discovery and measurement of CP violation in the neutrino sector. A far detector for a neutrino factory must have good charge identification with excellent background rejection and a large mass. An elegant solution is to construct a magnetized iron neutrino detector (MIND) along the lines of MINOS, where iron plates provide a toroidal magnetic field and scintillator planes provide 3D space points. In this paper, the current status of a simulation of a toroidal MIND for a neutrino factory is discussed in light of the recent measurements of large theta(13). The response and performance using the 10 GeV neutrino factory configuration are presented. It is shown that this setup has equivalent delta(CP) reach to a MIND with a dipole field and is sensitive to the discovery of CP violation over 85% of the values of delta(CP).
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