The Importance of Metadiscourse in the genre 'Promotion of Touristic Services and Products': Differences in English and Spanish.

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The Importance of Metadiscourse in the genre 'Promotion of Touristic Services and Products': Differences in English and Spanish.

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Suau Jiménez, Francisca; Dolón Herrero, Rosana
Aquest document és un/a capítol, creat/da en: 2007
Este trabajo intenta poner de relieve la importancia del metadiscurso, un aspecto del discurso crucial en la relación que establecen el emisor y el receptor de un texto en el género Promoción de Servicios y Productos Turísticos en inglés y español. También se pretende enfatizar la importancia de conocer este género discursivamente, aplicado a la enseñanza superior en lenguas para fines específicos. Este género es uno de los más frecuentes en la industria del turismo y necesita a menudo ser traducido o redactado respetando la adecuada imagen que se quiere promocionar o promover. Las implicaciones comerciales son evidentes, por lo cual es importante conocer las diferencias entre las dos lenguas analizadas.This article aims to highlight the importance of metadiscourse, one aspect of discourse which is crucial in the relation that sender and receiver of a message establish, in the genre Promotion of Touristic Services and Products, and also the need to integrate its teaching and learning within higher education course of LSP. This genre is one the most frequent text types dealing with the industry of tourism and the fact that they are well written or translated can provide a positive or negative image of the product or service that these texts promote, therefore having the power to influence their selling success or failure. Differences between Spanish and English metadiscourse in this genre are described, the aim being to raise awareness about the diverse characteristics that these two languages depict and, thus, the necessity to teach metadiscourse as a separate linguistic item, in order to make students command it.
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