Polarized and resonant Raman spectroscopy on single InAs nanowires

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Polarized and resonant Raman spectroscopy on single InAs nanowires

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Möller, Michael; Morais de Lima, Mauricio, Jr.; Cantarero Sáez, Andrés; Dacal, L. C. O.; Madureira, J.R.; Iikawa, F.; Chiaramonte, T.; Cotta, M.A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.085318

We report polarized Raman scattering and resonant Raman scattering studies on single InAs nanowires.Polarized Raman experiments show that the highest scattering intensity is obtained when both the incident and analyzed light polarizations are perpendicular to the nanowire axis. InAs wurtzite optical modes are observed. The obtained wurtzite modes are consistent with the selection rules and also with the results of calculations using an extended rigid-ion model. Additional resonant Raman scattering experiments reveal a redshifted E1 transition for InAs nanowires compared to the bulk zinc-blende InAs transition due to the dominance of the wurtzite phase in the nanowires. Ab initio calculations of the electronic band structure for wurtzite and zinc-blende InAs phases corroborate the observed values for the E1 transitions.
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