Light induced electron spin resonance in a-Ge:H

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Light induced electron spin resonance in a-Ge:H

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Marques, F.C.; Morais de Lima, Mauricio, Jr.; Taylor, P.C.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1999

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1063/1.124183

We report the observation of light-induced electron spin resonance (LESR) in amorphous hydrogenated germanium. Two new lines with zero crossings near g=2.01 and g=2.03 were detected and ascribed to electrons and holes in the conduction- and valence-band-tail states, respectively. The ratio between the LESR spin densities of both lines is approximately one, suggesting the absence of spin pairing, charge defect creation, or LESR of dangling bonds. The growth and decay spectra exhibit dispersive behavior with a dispersion parameter ∼0.5. The decay spectrum is best fit assuming bimolecular recombination. The LESR spin density depends weakly on the photogeneration rate as a sublinear power law.
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