Yeast HAT1 and HAT2 deletions have different life-span and transcriptome phenotypes

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Yeast HAT1 and HAT2 deletions have different life-span and transcriptome phenotypes

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Rosaleny Peralvo, Lorena Estefanía; Antúnez Temporal, Oreto; Ruiz García, Ana Belén; Pérez Ortín, José Enrique; Tordera Donderis, Vicente
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

HAT-B is a yeast histone acetyltransferase composed of Hat1, Hat2 and Hif1 proteins. We demonstrate that a hat2 mutant or a hat1hat2 double mutant, but not a hat1 mutant, have an extended life-span. Transcriptome analysis shows that the single hat mutants are not very different from wild type. However, the comparison of the hat1 and hat2 transcriptomes shows that they are different. The hat1hat2 double mutant shows a transcriptional phenotype similar to that of the hat1 mutant but strongly enhanced. These results indicate that Hat2p could have additional functions in the cell to those of Hat1p.
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