André Gaudreault (Ed.), American Cinema 1890-1909. Themes and Variations, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1999. Charlie Keil and Ben Singer (Eds.), American Cinema of the 1910s. Themes and Variations, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1999 [Ressenyes]

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André Gaudreault (Ed.), American Cinema 1890-1909. Themes and Variations, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1999. Charlie Keil and Ben Singer (Eds.), American Cinema of the 1910s. Themes and Variations, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1999 [Ressenyes]

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Del Rey Reguillo, Antonia
Aquest document és un/a ressenya, creat/da en: 2010

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The review reveals both the main ideas that the book provides as interesting sociological perspective that focuses on the study of American film in the early decades, highlighting the importance that the authors overlook the role of the spectator in the complex system of communication that carries the cinema.La reseña pone de manifiesto tanto las ideas principales que el libro aporta como la interesante perspectiva sociológica desde la que aborda el estudio del cine estadounidense de las primeras décadas, destacando la importancia que los autores dan al papel de la figura del espectador en el complejo sistema de comunicación que comporta el hecho fílmico.
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