Nucleon-nucleon effective potential in dense matter including rho-meson exchange

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Nucleon-nucleon effective potential in dense matter including rho-meson exchange

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Mornas, L.; Gallego, E.; Pérez Cañellas, Armando
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2002

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01282-9

We obtain the RPA summed one-meson exchange potential between nucleons in symmetric nuclear matter at zero temperature, from a model which includes rho, sigma, omega and pi mesons. The behavior of rho mesons inside the medium is first discussed using different schemes to extract a finite contribution from the vacuum polarization. These schemes give qualitatively different results for the in-medium rho mass. The results are discussed in connection with the nourenormalizability of the model. We next study the modified potential as density increases. In the intermediate-distance range, it is qualitatively modified by matter and vacuum effects. In the long-distance range (r > 2 fm), one observes the presence of oscillations, which are not present in free space. Features on this distance range arc insensitive to the renormalization scheme.
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