Study of eta K(K)over-bar and eta ' K(K)over-bar with the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations

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Study of eta K(K)over-bar and eta ' K(K)over-bar with the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations

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Liang, W. H.; Xiao, Chu Wen; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.114024

In the present work we investigate the three-body systems of eta K (K) over bar and eta'K (K) over bar, by taking the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations. We find a clear and stable resonance structure around 1490 MeV in the squared eta K (K) over bar scattering amplitude, which is not sensitive to the renormalization parameters. Conversely, we get only an enhancement effect of the threshold in the eta'K (K) over bar amplitude that indicates the difficulty to bind the eta'K (K) over bar system as a consequence of the eta'K interaction being weaker than the eta K one. We associate the eta K (K) over bar state found to the eta(1475).
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