Searching for a hidden charm h(1) state in the X(4660) -> eta h(1) and X(4660) -> eta D*(D)over-bar* decays

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Searching for a hidden charm h(1) state in the X(4660) -> eta h(1) and X(4660) -> eta D*(D)over-bar* decays

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Liang, W. H.; Albaladejo Serrano, Miguel; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.074027

We explore the possibility of experimentally detecting a predicted h(1) inverted right perpendicular I-G(J(PC)) = 0(-)(1(+-))inverted left perpendicular state of hidden charm made out from the D*(D) over bar* interaction. The method consists in measuring the decay of X(4660) into eta D*(D) over bar* and determining the binding energy with respect to the D*(D) over bar* threshold from the shape of the D*(D) over bar* invariant mass distribution. A complementary method consists in looking at the inclusive X(4660) -> eta X decay and searching for a peak in the X invariant mass distribution. We make calculations to determine the partial decay width of X(4660) -> eta h(1) from the measured X(4660) -> eta D*(D) over bar* distribution. This estimation should serve in an experiment to foresee the possibility of detecting the h(1) state on top of the background of inclusive events.
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