Charged lepton induced one kaon production off the nucleon

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Charged lepton induced one kaon production off the nucleon

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Rafi Alam, M.; Ruiz Simó, Ignacio; Sajjad Athar, Mohammad; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.053008

We study single kaon production off the nucleon induced by electrons (positrons) i.e., e(-) (e(+)) + N -> v(e) ((v) over bar (e)) + (K) over bar (K) + N' at low energies. The possibility of observing these processes with the high luminosity beams available at TJNAF and Mainz is discussed, taking into account that the strangeness conserving electromagnetic reactions have a higher energy threshold for (K) over bar (K) production. The calculations are done using a microscopic model that starts from the SU(3) chiral Lagrangians and includes background terms and the resonant mechanisms associated to the lowest lying resonance Sigma*(1385)
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