Depth-of-field enhancement in integral imaging by selective depth-deconvolution

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Depth-of-field enhancement in integral imaging by selective depth-deconvolution

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Navarro Fructuoso, Héctor; Saavedra Tortosa, Genaro; Martínez Corral, Manuel; Sjöström, Marten; Olsson, Roger
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1109/JDT.2013.2291110

One of the major drawbacks of the integral imaging technique is its limited depth of field. Such limitation is imposed by the numerical aperture of the microlenses. In this paper, we propose a method to extend the depth of field of integral imaging systems in the reconstruction stage. The method is based on the combination of deconvolution tools and depth filtering of each elemental image using disparity map information. We demonstrate our proposal presenting digital reconstructions of a 3-D scene focused at different depths with extended depth of field.
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