Gluon mass generation in the massless bound-state formalism

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Gluon mass generation in the massless bound-state formalism

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Ibáñez Gil de Ramales, David Papavassiliou, Joannis 2014-02-19T09:27:53Z 2014-02-19T09:27:53Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation Ibañez, D. Papavassiliou, Joannis 2013 Gluon mass generation in the massless bound-state formalism Physical Review D 87 3 034008-1 034008-25
dc.description.abstract We present a detailed, all-order study of gluon mass generation within the massless bound-state formalism, which constitutes the general framework for the systematic implementation of the Schwinger mechanism in non-Abelian gauge theories. The main ingredient of this formalism is the dynamical formation of bound states with vanishing mass, which give rise to effective vertices containing massless poles; these latter vertices, in turn, trigger the Schwinger mechanism, and allow for the gauge-invariant generation of an effective gluon mass. This particular approach has the conceptual advantage of relating the gluon mass directly to quantities that are intrinsic to the bound-state formation itself, such as the 'transition amplitude'' and the corresponding 'bound-state wave function.'' As a result, the dynamical evolution of the gluon mass is largely determined by a Bethe-Salpeter equation that controls the dynamics of the relevant wave function, rather than the Schwinger-Dyson equation of the gluon propagator, as happens in the standard treatment. The precise structure and field-theoretic properties of the transition amplitude are scrutinized in a variety of independent ways. In particular, a parallel study within the linear-covariant (Landau) gauge and the background-field method reveals that a powerful identity, known to be valid at the level of conventional Green's functions, also relates the background and quantum transition amplitudes. Despite the differences in the ingredients and terminology employed, the massless bound-state formalism is absolutely equivalent to the standard approach based on Schwinger-Dyson equations. In fact, a set of powerful relations allows one to demonstrate the exact coincidence of the integral equations governing the momentum evolution of the gluon mass in both frameworks.
dc.relation.ispartof Physical Review D, 2013, vol. 87, num. 3, p. 034008-1-034008-25
dc.subject Física nuclear
dc.title Gluon mass generation in the massless bound-state formalism
dc.type journal article es_ES 2014-02-19T09:27:53Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.034008
dc.identifier.idgrec 084521
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES
dc.identifier.url 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.034008

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