On the corner elements of the CKM and PMNS matrices

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On the corner elements of the CKM and PMNS matrices

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Baker, Michael J.; Bordes Villagrasa, José M.; Chan, Hong-Mo; Tsou, Sheung Tsun
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1209/0295-5075/102/41001

Recent experiments show that the top-right corner element (U-e3) of the PMNS matrix is small but nonzero, and suggest further via unitarity that it is smaller than the bottom-left corner element (U-tau 1). Here, it is shown that if to the assumption of a universal rank-one mass matrix, long favoured by phenomenologists, one adds that this matrix rotates with scale, then it follows that A) by inputting the mass ratios m(c)/m(t), m(s)/m(b), m(mu)/m(tau), and m(2)/m(3), i) the corner elements are small but nonzero, ii) V-ub < V-td, U-e3 < U-tau 1, iii) estimates result for the ratios V-ub/V-td and U-e3/U-tau 1, and B) by inputting further the experimental values of V-us, V-tb and U-e2, U-mu 3, iv) estimates result for the values of the corner elements themselves. All the inequalities and estimates obtained are consistent with present data within expectation for the approximations made.
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