Com afecta la crisi al sistema de Serveis Socials

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Com afecta la crisi al sistema de Serveis Socials

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Moreno Vañó, Amparo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

The economic crisis is affecting people and societies in a different way depending on their initial situation. As far as Social Services are concerned in the Valencian Community, an analysis needs to be made of this system as it was when the crisis first emerged. Its structure is deficient and involves overlaps, in which schemes have been replaced with individual assistance, payment of subsidies takes too long and in which subjective rights, stemming from the Personal Autonomy and Care for Dependency Law and the Law on Citizens' Guaranteed Income, are poorly applied. The values crisis precedes the economic and financial crisis, which is why any possibilities of facing up to these have to set out from an examination of these personal and social values and from the persuasion that it is possible to get out of this situation.
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