The Power Spectrum in de Sitter Inflation, Revisited

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The Power Spectrum in de Sitter Inflation, Revisited

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Agulló, Iván; Navarro Salas, José; Olmo Alba, Gonzalo; Parker, Leonard
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.171301

We find that the amplitude of quantum fluctuations of the invariant de Sitter vacuum coincides exactly with that of the vacuum of a comoving observer for a massless scalar (inflaton) field. We propose redefining the actual physical power spectrum as the difference between the amplitudes of the above vacua. An inertial particle detector continues to observe the Gibbons-Hawking temperature. However, although the resulting power spectrum is still scale-free, its amplitude can be drastically reduced since now, instead of the Hubble's scale at the inflationary period, it is determined by the square of the mass of the inflaton fluctuation field.
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