Low-energy scattering of extremal black holes by neutral matter

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Low-energy scattering of extremal black holes by neutral matter

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Fabbri, Alessandro; Navarro Sanz, Diego José; Navarro Salas, José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2002

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1016/S0550-3213(02)00135-9

We investigate the decay of a spherically symmetric near-extremal charged black hole, including back-reaction effects, in the near-horizon region. The non-locality of the effective action controlling this process allows and also forces us to introduce a complementary set of boundary conditions which permit to determine the asymptotic late time Hawking flux. The evaporation rate goes down exponentially and admits an infinite series expansion in Planck's constant. At leading order it is proportional to the total mass and the higher order terms involve higher order momenta of the classical stress-tensor. Moreover we use this late time behaviour to go beyond the near-horizon approximation and comment on the implications for the information loss paradox.
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