Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in a relativistic quark pair creation model

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Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in a relativistic quark pair creation model

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Cano Vargas, Florencio; Desplanques, B.; González Marhuenda, Pedro; Noguera Puchol, Santiago
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2001

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1016/S0370-2693(01)01193-5

We study the effects of the \ qqq q (q) over bar > component of the hadronic wave function on the description of the electromagnetic structure of the nucleon. Starting with a 3q baryonic wave function which describes the baryonic and mesonic low-energy spectrum, the extra q (q) over bar pair is generated through a relativistic version of the P-3(0) model, It is shown that this model leads to a renormalization of the quark mass that allows one to construct a conserved electromagnetic current. We conclude that these dynamical relativistic corrections play an important role in reproducing the Q(2) dependence of the electromagnetic form factors at low Q(2).
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