Measurement of A(FB)(b anti-b) in hadronic Z decays using a jet charge technique

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Measurement of A(FB)(b anti-b) in hadronic Z decays using a jet charge technique

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DELPHI Collaboration; Alemany Fernández, Reyes; Cabrera Urbán, Susana; Castillo Giménez, María Victoria; Cortina Gil, Eduardo; Ferrer Soria, Antonio; Fuster Verdú, Juan A.; García García, Carmen; Gil Botella, Inés; Hernández Rey, Juan José; Higón Rodríguez, Emilio; Martínez Vidal, Fernando; Navas Concha, Sergio; Salt Cairols, José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1999

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1007/s100520050030

The b {b} forward-backward asymmetry has been determined from the average charge flow measured in a sample of 3,500,000 hadronic Z decays collected with the DELPHI detector in 1992-1995. The measurement is performed in an enriched b {b} sample selected using an impact parameter tag and results in the following values for the b {b} forward-backward asymmetry: AFBb\overline{b} (89.55 GeV) = 0.068 ± 0.018 (stat.)± 0.0013(syst.) AFBb\overline{b} (91.26 GeV) = 0.0982±0.0047(stat.)±0.0016(syst.) AFBb\overline{b} (92.94 GeV) = 0.123 ± 0.016 (stat.)± 0.0027(syst.) The b {b} charge separation required for this analysis is directly measured in the b tagged sample, while the other charge separations are obtained from a fragmentation model precisely calibrated to data. The effective weak mixing angle is deduced from the measurement to be: sin2θeffl= 0.23186±0.00083
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