Hawking Radiation by Kerr Black Holes and Conformal Symmetry

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Hawking Radiation by Kerr Black Holes and Conformal Symmetry

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Agulló, Iván; Navarro Salas, José; Olmo Alba, Gonzalo; Parker, Leonard
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.211305

The exponential blueshift associated with the event horizon of a black hole makes conformal symmetry play a fundamental role in accounting for its thermal properties. Using a derivation based on two-point functions, we show that the spectrum of thermal radiation of scalar particles by Kerr (and Schwarzschild) black holes can be explicitly derived on the basis of a 2-dimensional conformal symmetry arising in the wave equation near the horizon. This result reinforces the recently conjectured relation between Kerr geometry and a 2-dimensional conformal field theory.
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