Two particle angular correlations in e+ e- interactions compared with QCD predictions

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Two particle angular correlations in e+ e- interactions compared with QCD predictions

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DELPHI Collaboration; Alemany Fernández, Reyes; Cabrera Urbán, Susana; Castillo Giménez, María Victoria; Cortina Gil, Eduardo; Colomer, M.; Ferrer Soria, Antonio; Fuster Verdú, Juan A.; García García, Carmen; Gil Botella, Inés; Hernández Rey, Juan José; Higón Rodríguez, Emilio; Martínez Vidal, Fernando; Navas Concha, Sergio; Salt Cairols, José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1998

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)01242-8

Two-particle angular correlations in jet cones have been measured in e+e− annihilation into hadrons at LEP energies (s√= 91 and 183~GeV) and are compared with QCD predictions using the LPHD hypothesis. Two different functions have been tested. While the differentially normalized correlation function shows substantial deviations from the predictions, a globally normalized correlation function agrees well. The size of αeffS (and other QCD parameters) and its running with the relevant angular scale, the validity of LPHD, and problems due to non--perturbative effects are discussed critically.
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