Measurement of vertical bar V-cs vertical bar using W decays at LEP2

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Measurement of vertical bar V-cs vertical bar using W decays at LEP2

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DELPHI Collaboration; Alemany Fernández, Reyes; Cabrera Urbán, Susana; Castillo Giménez, María Victoria; Cortina Gil, Eduardo; Colomer, M.; Ferrer Soria, Antonio; Fuster Verdú, Juan A.; García García, Carmen; Gil Botella, Inés; Hernández Rey, Juan José; Higón Rodríguez, Emilio; Martínez Vidal, Fernando; Navas Concha, Sergio; Salt Cairols, José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1998

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)01061-2

Decays of W± bosons, produced at LEP2, have been used to measure the |Vcs| element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. Values for |Vcs| were extracted both from the measured hadronic branching ratio of W± decays and by tagging the flavour of hadronic jets produced in W± decays. Applying the two methods to the data collected during 1996 at energies of 161 and 172 GeV, DELPHI obtains |Vcs|=0.91+0.15−0.14(stat)±0.05(syst).
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