Enhanced local-type inflationary trispectrum from a non-vacuum initial state

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Enhanced local-type inflationary trispectrum from a non-vacuum initial state

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Agulló, Iván; Navarro Salas, José; Parker, Leonard
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1088/1475-7516/2012/05/019

We compute the primordial trispectrum for curvature perturbations produced during cosmic inflation in models with standard kinetic terms, when the initial quantum state is not necessarily the vacuum state. The presence of initial perturbations enhances the trispectrum amplitude for configuration in which one of the momenta, say k(3), is much smaller than the others, k(3) << k(1,2,4). For those squeezed con figurations the trispectrum acquires the so-called local form, with a scale dependent amplitude that can get values of order epsilon(k(1)/k(3))(2). This amplitude could be larger than the prediction of the so-called Maldacena consistency relation by a factor as large as 10(6), and could reach the sensitivity of forthcoming observations, even for single-field inflationary models.
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